How to Construct the Web Application to Sleep Well at Night?

Nowadays, the web development is emerging really fast. We feel like if we don’t learn new thing then we become a caveman from that day. A lot of technologies out there is for web development, but in the article, I would only like to focus on the React Ecosystem. Because I like React library and its ecosystem, I spent a lot of time to research and work on it for a long time. 

The article will tell you some of concerns and issues with developing the web application wit React and its ecosystem. The following sections will be answered:

  • Server-Side Rendering vs Client Side Rendering
  • Why we use TypeScript?
  • Organize Redux codes with Duck typing
  • Avoid many dots in the codes

The article was published on Hackernoon site How to Construct the Web Application to Sleep Well at Night?

The entire source code of the article can be found on my GitHub.

Please let me know how do you feel?

Happy coding!


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