Operator, I need an exit...

Today, the sun is shining a little brighter, the grass is a little greener, and, well you get the picture...

My transition from Java to .NET is going to be going from beta to production in two weeks.  I gave my two week notice to my current employer and I am ecstatic about starting full time .NET development with a lot of smart people like Don and Mark

I have learned a lot from the great people I've worked with but unfortunately most of them don't know what a blog is let alone have one.  I know Keith has one. (hey keith!)  I will keep in contact with the few that haven't left yet and the many that have already gone before me!

Well, more updates will be coming later but it sounds like the work is going to be very cool.

BTW... This is my first post from NewsGatorHad to clean it up a bit.  (why didn't my links work...) anyway it's pretty cool.

Operator error on the links thing... I was putting in html code instead of using Outlook's insert hyperlink option.

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