
Archives / 2018 / February
  • Implement Cookie Authentication in ASP.NET Core

    If you have been working with ASP.NET Core, you are probably aware of ASP.NET Core Identity. ASP.NET Core Identity is a full-fledged framework to secure your websites. It comes with a lot of features such as external logins and Json Web Tokens (JWT) support. Ay times, however, you need something that is simple and gives you total control on various aspects of implementation such as data store and account manageemnt. That is where ASP.NET Core's Cookie Authentication can come handy. In this article you will learn what Cookie Authentication is and how to configure it to secure your websites.

  • Use Ajax to perform CRUD operations in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages

    ASP.NET Core Razor Pages offer a simple page based programming model for the developers. A razor pages consists of a .cshtml files and associated page model class. The page model class can house actions to handle HTTP verbs. For example, a page model class can contain OnGet(), OnPost(), OnPut(), and OnDelete() actions to deal with GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE verbs respectively. This sounds straightforward as far as requests are initiated by a form. However, things are bit tricky while making Ajax calls to a razor page. To that end this article illustrates how to develop a razor page that performs CRUD operations using Ajax calls.