Sharing the security context between ASP.NET and WCF REST Services

It is very common for WCF services that work as Ajax callbacks and ASP.NET pages that live in the same web application to share a common security context for the authenticated user. However, in order to make this happens, the ASP.NET compatibility mode must be enabled for the WCF service. When that setting is enabled, WCF basically includes the service call within the ASP.NET pipeline, all the ASP.NET modules configured for the application are executed, and as result, the HttpContext get initialized for that service as it was a normal page. 

Optionally, an IAuthorizationPolicy can be used to inject the HttpContext.User into the WCF security context, and completely decouple in that way, the service implementation from the Http security context.

For example, we can have a web application configured with Forms Authentication or the new FederationModule in geneva framework for authenticating users with passive federation, and share that security context with the services or ajax callbacks that the web pages consume.

For this scenario, the WCF REST Starter kit already includes an IAuthorizationPolicy implementation for initialization the WCF security context with the authenticated user in the web application. That authorization policy is automatically injected in the service execution pipeline by the WebServiceHost2 host shipped also within the kit. If you are using that WCF host, you do not have to do anything extra other than enabling the ASP.NET compatibility mode for the services.

Configuring the ASP.NET compatibility mode requires two steps.

1. Add a configuration settings in the configuration file,


<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" />


 2. Add support for this mode in the service implementation. This is done through an special attribute “AspNetCompatibilityRequirements” added to the class definition

[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Required)] 


public class ClaimsService

Once you have done that, the user principal will become available to the service through the WCF security context or the Thread.CurrentPrincipal property.

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