MarkUp component

I've uploaded the initial release of the MarkUp component on the GotDotNet workspace.  The workspace can be found here:

I've also uploaded 2 projects:

1) MarkUpComponent : this will be the standalone component responsible for marking up text.

2) SimpleMarkUp : this is a WindowsForms application which uses the MarkUpComponent to mark-up text. This application is the same as the one on the original Msdn article except that every piece of code related to "marking-up" has been moved into the MarkUpComponent.

So, moving forward, the goal will be to improve the performance and abilities of the MarkUpComponent while also improving the features of the tools which consume it.  The SimpleMarkUp tool has many improvements over the tool which was released with my original Msdn article such as:

  • Remembers user preferences
  • Provides definition for the javascript language
  • Bug Fixes


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