ASP.NET Hosting and Bad Hosts

As I keep progressing on development of DevCampus, occasionally I get sidetracked thinking about having to choose a hosting company. Right now a friend of mine has been gracious enough to loan me an IP address and some space on a server of his that's hosted by MaximumASP. However, I think (or I should say I hope) after DevCampus has been around for a while it's going to be chewing through a lot of bandwidth and become a burden to the other sites that might share the box with me. So, as I come across sites with the .aspx extension I check around to see if they mention who their host is.

I'm also wary of going through an experience like this guy did with his host recently where they deleted all of his files and canceled his account. Seriously. Read here. Beware of BlazerNetwork.

So far, the hosts I keep hearing mentioned for ASP.NET hosting are ORCSWeb, SecureWebs, MaximumASP, FullControlNetwork, and DiscountASP.NET. Is there something special about these hosts or is it just coincidence that I see them mentioned on a lot of ASP.NET sites?

I know everybody seems to have different experiences and opinions on web hosts but I thought I'd post this anyway.

Also - does anyone that runs a site with a lot of traffic know how to get a host to give you a server in exchange for advertising for them on your site? I'd be happy to put ads for my host on DevCampus if they gave me a free (or heavily discounted) server.


  • Jodohost have been good for me.

    Whatever you do, don't go for

  • I too use WebHost4Life -- very good for an unbeatable price -- even good service the few times I needed it. As for free offers for advertising, WebHost4Life will give you a commission on referals -- which can be as good as a free offer.

  • As far as I am concerned, commissions on referrals are sufficient to pay the hosting bills :-)

    But I'm using a shared server.

  • J I will also reco WebHost4Life.

  • Webhost4life is a great host with great price. I have over 10 different site hosted with them =)

  • In all fairness, I've found webhost4life to be a little slower than other hosts that

    I've used and they use a shared SQL architecture which makes installing Community Server slightly harder than at other hosts (but very slightly)

    That said, I still use them for all but two of the web sites I host, their prices are unbeatable and their support has always been good to me. The sites aren't so slow as to be distracting and in the CServer problem the staff was good about helping me through.

    Unless top performance is a big issue for you, I'd go Webhost4life (otherwise I'd check out which has also been good to me)

  • has worked great for me, not perfect. Jodohost needs to get a clue, was with them once and webhost4life is slow and has security issues with their servers. I could delete anyone’s web files if I really wanted.

    It's really about preference of each person, not really the host. One host may suck for you, but are gods gift to another.

  • is down for 4 days nobody answer the calls, they're unprofessional

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