NAnt BuildFile Builder Beta Version

One of the complaints that I've received about using the Hippo.NET Build tool, is the fact that you manually have to write your own NAnt build file. So one of the features I want to implement in the next release of Hippo.NET, is either generating buildfiles on the fly, or providing  a tool to easily generate buildfiles based on the Visual Studio project file. That's why I've created the Hippo.NET BuildFile Builder (what's in a name ;-). On this site, you can generate NAnt buildfiles, based on a Visual Studio project file. You simply browse to your project file on your local harddisk and press the Generate button and a the contents of a NAnt buildfile are generated.

If you are intrested you can visit the Buildfile Builder site and give it a try. If you have comments, remarks, bug reports, ... please let me know! Just keep in mind that this is a very early beta and some improvements are comming in the next few days.


  • Well, generating files for still changing projects only online does not help at all.

  • this thing doesn´t work

  • I tried it with one of my .csproj files and got:

    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    at Hippo.BuildFileBuilder.Builder.ReadProjectFile(String projectContents) in C:\Visual Studio Projects\Junk\Hippo.BuildFileBuilder\Hippo.BuildFileBuilder\Builder.vb:line 276

    at Hippo.BuildFileBuilder.Builder..ctor(String projectContents) in C:\Visual Studio Projects\Junk\Hippo.BuildFileBuilder\Hippo.BuildFileBuilder\Builder.vb:line 233

    at Hippo.BuildFileBuilder.Web._default.Button1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Visual Studio Projects\Junk\Hippo.BuildFileBuilder\Hippo.BuildFileBuilder.Web\default.aspx.vb:line 38

  • Definately a cool feature that we need for our projects but sadly not yet integrated with the VSS piece. Any plans to release a beta version packaged together in the near future? The big win of course is that the nANT script is always in sycnch with your project. What about being able to generate a script for multiple projects within a solution, any plans there? This is something we could definately use right now and as long as its fairly solid we'd be willing to demo it and give you feedback.

    keep up the good work,


  • Agree fully with Scott. Will the buildfile builder be able to handle multiple project files in a solution? has the object reference bug been fixed yet? If that is this the case it could be very useful tool for our project.

  • It's still broken. I attempted to create a NAnt buildfile from a VSS C# project file and received the same error as Craig Wagner did above. What gives?


  • Can it support VC++ .NET.

    I have couple VC++ .NET projects. I want to use it to generate Nant script.

  • No VC++ support...

  • NAntBuilder is much bettter

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