Winnipeg.NET UG Welcomes Jason Beres

The Winnipeg.NET Users Group has finally convinced an INETA speaker to come to Winnipeg – funny how they waited until summer to come.  Turns out it’s my Brazil buddy Jason Beres (remember Jason – what happens in Brazil stays in Brazil dude).  Jason was a co-judge for Imagine Cup representing the USA and I’m pumped to be able to see him again so soon.

If you are from Manitoba – try to come out to the event.. go to to register or send me an email directly. 

1 Comment

  • I would have loved to have come to the meeting if not in the middle of moving. Luckily I will be closer to Winnipeg and hopefully able to come to a UG meeting once in a while (if they can move them to a little later so I can make it in from an hour away).

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