Raymond Chen defeats MSDN Magazine

After Joel Spolsky reported the defeat of Raymond Chen by MSDN Magazine, Chen made a great comeback. MSDN Magazine Executive Editor, Joshua Trupin, has decided to throw out the whole idea and start a new magazine. Trupin: “I'm bitter about the whole thing. We're tossing it all out and starting TechNet Magazine just to make sure it doesn't happen again.”

Seriously, I was just chatting to Josh on IM. He mentioned that the January 2005 issue will mark their 20th year. They apparently started as a Dr. Bronner's soap label in 1986. Not having grown up in North America, I had no idea what that was. Josh pointed me to this example.


By the way, my latest security article will appear in the November issue of MSDN Magazine.

© 2004 Kenny Kerr

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