jQuery 2.0 Preview

I have just uploaded a preview of jQuery Ribbon 2.0, which supports the new Backstage introduced in Office 2010 Preview.

You can try it here:


The sources are not available on CodePlex yet, but will be there soon. :-)

If you want the source now, just steal it from the demo page. ;-)


  • This control is totally awesome - thanks a lot for sharing! Any news on the development?

    There are some unused space in the top of this version compared to the version 1. Is this something you have fixed?

    Would it be possible to specify wheter it should start up being minimized or not, instead of having to double-click the header every time? Also, would it be possible to make it auto-minimize when the mouse moves away from it - as in Office, where you change the minimize state by double clicking?


  • Hi Tommy,


    "Any news on the development?"
    I´m waiting for the next release of Office with the new version of backstage. It´s going to be implemented in the next preview of jQuery Ribbon.

    "There are some unused space in the top of this version compared to the version 1. Is this something you have fixed?"
    It will be fixed in the next preview.

    "Would it be possible to specify wheter it should start up being minimized or not, instead of having to double-click the header every time? Also, would it be possible to make it auto-minimize when the mouse moves away from it - as in Office, where you change the minimize state by double clicking?"
    Can you add a issue on CodePlex for that? Not sure if it will be on the next preview, but maybe. :-)

    Mikael Söderström

  • Hi Tommy,

    I have no roadmap for the next preview, just have to wait until I get my hands on the next version of Office 2010. :-)

  • Man, I love your work.

    I am trying to make use of Ribbon 2. I like the backstage a lot and don't care at all if it is close to Microsoft's new version. It totally fits my current need.

    As you might guess, getting your non-production version to work in my universe is some effort. It's harder because I don't have your complete setup. I did grab the script and css but the various images are a serious pain.

    Is it possible you could open up listing on the images directory, or, if you are feeling generous, pack up a zip of the whole thing?

    I'm on a real project. If you could let me know what you might do (tq [at] justkidding [dot] com), I'd be grateful.


  • To fix the gap at the top of the menu, change the css spec for

    ul.ribbon .orb

    so that the


    It's currently -4, not good.


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