Release Notes for NUnitAddIn-0.9.568

Download: NUnitAddIn-0.9.568

This latest version was developed using Visual C# Express,
built using MSBuild and packaged using WiX.  It uses a
derivative of NUnit 2.2 final as its test execution engine.
The engine has been modified to work with all versions of
NUnit, csUnit and VSTS.

It has been tested with the following framework assemblies...

nunit.framework, 2.2
nunit.framework, 2.1
nunit.framework, 2.0
csUnit, 1.9.2
csUnit, 1.9.4
Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework, 8.0
NUnit.Framework, 2.1 (Mono)

It is compatible with the following versions of Visual Studio...

Visual Studio .NET 2002
Visual Studio .NET 2003
Visual Studio .NET 2005
Visual C# Express
Visual C++ Express

At the moment the installer is completely silent (expect it
to just exit when you open the MSI).

You can find more information and contact the author
using the project weblog...

At the moment the best way to get to know the add-in is
by going through the following test project.  You will get a
lot more out of using the add-in if you do so.

Each method is a manual test case with a set of steps and
expectations.  VS 2003 has been the most thoroughly.
Expect a few test cases to fail in other versions.  Your
feedback and reports are very welcome.


  • is There any pdf is available regarding the


    How to use NUnitAddIn

    How to create a Test case

    How to perform the Test

    Please reply to the mail ASAP

  • I've tried installing and uninstalling NUnitAddIn-0.9.576d.msi (and even tried its previous version) many times, without VS 2003 running but cannot get it working.

    I have the latest Nunit 2.2 installed separately and both Nunit GUI and the other similar VS studio plugin VSNunit both work ok.

    However NUnitAddIn whilst it installs and appears in the addin manager (initially unchecked) the right click menu does not appear when I right click on projects (even in the TestExample project you provide). Nor do any nunit lines appear in the keyboard / customise dialog of VS 2003.

    Note that during installation I don't get a confirmation that the .msi installed successfully, so maybe that is a clue? Not sure if I should get a confirmation dialog.

    Am running .NET 1.1 and Windows XP.

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