TestDriven.NET 2.0

I'm very happy to announce that TestDriven.NET 2.0 RTM is available for download. It has been a long time in the making, but is finally ready for the world!

I would like to thank Grant DrakeSean McCormackEli LopianCharlie Poole, Lutz Roeder, Andrew Stopford and Peter Waldschmidt for giving TestDriven.NET something worth integrating with. Without these people's support TestDriven.NET 2.0 never would have made it to completion!

Below is a gallery which gives a taste of what's new:

Reflector Integration

Code Coverage with NCover or Team Coverage 


Your new Best Friend ;-)

Test With .NET 1.1 (from Visual Studio 2005)


Pluggable Unit Testing Frameworks

TypeMock.NET Integration

For information about what's new, please see the release notes included with the download. An updated quickstart and extensive documentation will be coming online soon.

Thanks to everyone who has helped get information about the new version out. Here are a few posts that cover the new functionality:

"The first picture of the page being lovely, the shank, making, the wind which it increases." - I love the Google translator! Thanks 菊池:)

If you are familiar with Digg, you might get the joke here. ;)
10 Reasons You Should Digg TestDriven.NET 2.0 - Digg Programming (1 digg...)

Let me know if you have any questions.


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