
Archives / 2009 / October
  • Practical Tweaks: creating a Social Security Number column

    Many people find SharePoint to be somewhat limiting in its out-of-the-box functionality, but really, a creative approach can take you pretty far.  Say, for example, you need to create a column to hold Social Security numbers (assuming you've worked out all the relevant security issues).  You have a field that requires numeric validation, but it has a specific length requirement, which sounds more like string validation.  Here's what I came up with off the cuff:

  • Backup horror stories: Rendering error in the global navigation tab

    Chances are that if you're restoring a site collection from backup, something has gone seriously wrong.  Naturally, at this point, you've had just about enough of unexpected glitches, and you REALLY don't want anything to look weird once you restore and load up the site again.  Oh, but Mr. Murphy is there laying down the law, and all you see on the global nav is a big "Error" tab.  Terrified, you mouse over it with a morbid curiosity, only to discover the following error in a tooltip: