Web Deployment, question for the future
Because it's PDC time, I like to ask some questions about the future.
Guys, in Whidbey can we expect a better Web deployment system ?
I would like for example to be able to upload to my server a set of files, without deploying all my site.
Actually I can use right click on the files I don't want to deploy and ask Exclude from the project, but this create some issues.
I would like to have a FTP kind of features embedded in Visual Studio. I am sure it's not big deal to do so ;-)
I would like also that when I am opening a web project directly from my server, I can lock some files. So next time I deploy the site Visual Studio will be smart enough to not overwrite the locked files.
It will surely improve the deployment speed.
Currently I experienced quite often a timeout problem with deployment, and I am working on a 2 Mb line !
It's quite frustrating to have this Timeout error box coming just before the end of a long deployment.