IDEA#.Net is coming

A new IDE is coming for C#, and it's a major one from Java world IDEA.

This is a post to resume more and less the news from Luke Hutteman I got via Scott Galloway:

This was posted on the forums today:

EAP of VS.NET plugin is planned for February 10.

Valentin Kipiatkov
Chief Scientist, Vice President of Product Development
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
I hate to hype this up too much as the first early access release is bound to have its share of bugs, but I am really looking forward to this plugin. For all you .NET'ies that have never experienced the joy of IntelliJ and for all you PDC'ers that have been impressed by Whidbey's templates and refactoring support: you've got to check this out.

I really like the way IntelliJ is running their Early Access Programs. It's open for anyone and you get free downloads and license keys during the beta program. Ideally, you will provide them with bug-reports and feature-requests in return but you're under no obligation to do so. The only "downside" is that as these EAPs go on, you tend to get more and more hooked on the feature set, up to where you won't want to do without it anymore when they go live. At that point, it won't be free anymore of course. I don't think they have set a price yet but judging by IDEA, I would expect it to be very reasonable and most definitely worth it.

UPDATE: Valentin posted another entry in that thread:

It's a plugin that adds part of IDEA functionality to VS.NET and work with C# language. Later we'll make a standalone IDE with much richer functionality.

Watch out, Microsoft!



  • I think you'll find that MS would be pretty pleased if IDEA for C# took off. It simply means more people converting to C#.

  • Wonder if this will run on Linux...with Mono and this, people could start abandoning WIndows Server 2003 for Linux / Apache - MS wouldn't like that much!

  • Maybe it's good idea after all. It will open somne new horizons.

    Scott I am starting to do so on my new Mac G5 so I can have some fun running .net on Unix !

  • It'll certainly be great if MS get's some serious IDE competition. Only means better tools for us developers :)

  • Between the plug ins for VS 2003, the general frustration with the HTML designer forcing me to hand-code my ASPX/ASCX files, and this announcement I'm finding fewer and fewer reasons to want to upgrade to the Whidbey IDE. I'll probably just download the Framework SDK.

    Which means it won't be long before MS starts marking some Framework features as "Visual Studio Only"<sigh>

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