Versioning in .NET

I was doing some prototype work and wanted to investigate versioning issues. I was changing version numbers of some dependent assemblies and not having any problems with .NET finding the right version. I was puzzled at some of my findings so I checked the docs. My bad:

Note Versioning is done only on assemblies with strong names.

I wasn't using strong named assemblies. That explains a few things... :)


  • I learned this the hard way too. We recently strong named all of our assemblies. Wow, did i start seeing some file not found exceptions! Pick up a copy of Ted Pattison's latest. he does a very nice job walking you through how all of this works.

  • I'm confused it doesnt work like that for me. I have an app that is compiled with a reference to CustConfig.dll v1.0.1.5

    I then build and deploy v1.0.1.6 but the app keeps using the previous version. The only time it changes is when I recompile the main app which is not very useful for hotfix type updates.

    Any clues as to whats going on. If I'm not using StrongNames shouldn't it be picking up the newest version as it overwrote the previous one?

    Thanks Ben.

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