Q&A: Fred Durham, CEO and Founder, CafePress.com

Tags: Recommendations, Tech Geek


Some interesting things to note:

It states:

“The service was originally built in Java, but in 2001 company CEO and founder Fred Durham made the decision to migrate to .NET. “

then follows up with:

“After an upgrade from the vendor, the issues still existed so we decided we could not wait any longer for the vendor to fix things and needed to find a new framework to develop around.”

What? Java slow to progress and patch? Wow!  Also:

"Project cycle times have been reduced to approximately one quarter of the previous development cycle times. “

A VERY common fact with most .NET integrations.  Near the end of the peice he discusses his comments on MS's .NET Flagship IDE, Visual Studio.  Some interesting points to note.

“We use notepad primarily. There are many reasons not to use Visual Studio...“

Read the entire article



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