Is Google just another Yahoo?

Do you remember when was just in its infancy?  Well so was much changed since then.  They used to be a very basic search interface with damn good results.  All of a sudden they started offer a whole collection of free services, or services which generate cash flow based on advertising.  This polluted their home page with crap and made the interface just a pain in the ass to deal with.


Sound familiar?  I wonder how long it will take Google to start pumping out ads on their home page?  Or even littering it with a whole bunch of localized crap like yahoo eventually did.  Oh wait, they already are.


Like Yahoo, Google used to be very minimal with their home page, nice and fast to load and easy on the.  Wake up Google.  People like you because your site is very minimal.  You start to litter it with crap people will go elsewhere.  I guess that is what you get when the majority of your revenue is ad based.  



  • Kyle said

    I think google, as opposed to Yahoo, is doing things the right way. They have their search product, which despite the occasional ad for their own product, is the cleanest out there. Yet, they offer a variety of products that you can choose to (or not to) use. I choose to put up with their limited ads (which again, are text-based), because I think they offer a superior service.

    I absolutely hate going to Yahoo because I'm forced to see a bunch of ads, and crap that I don't really care about.

    That having been said, I'm off to do a search on Psychology at Yahoo. I don't get it...


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