NHibernate Pitfalls: Versioned Entities Are Not Batcheable

This is part of a series of posts about NHibernate Pitfalls. See the entire collection here.

This is a problem similar to the one with native id generators. Basically, because there are different versioning strategies – timestamp, counter, native, etc, – NHibernate needs to issue a SELECT after a versioned entity is INSERTEd or UPDATEd. While this wouldn’t be necessary when NHibernate manages the version on the “client side”, like:

   1: UPDATE MyEntity SET Version = 2 WHERE ...;
   2: //or
   3: UPDATE MyEntity SET Version = GETDATE() WHERE ...;

But not if the version is handled on the database side, like when using SQL Server’s ROWVERSION/TIMESTAMP columns or Oracle’s ORA_ROWSCN pseudo-columns. In these cases, NHibernate needs to issue a SELECT after each INSERT or UPDATE:

   1: UPDATE MyEntity SET ... WHERE ...;
   2: SELECT Version FROM MyEntity WHERE ...;

This breaks batching, because it needs to be done immediately after each INSERT/UPDATE.



  • It depends on a version type itself. If it is generated by DB, then yes, it is not batcheable (is there such word?) but if you use version strategy where NH is responsible for generating a new version than, they are batcheable.

  • Alex:
    Can you tell me of a "client" versioning strategy?

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