• Hi,

    I want to know why do you use Invoke in #2 and do not do it in #1?

    I have: MainForm from which I call "layer"class and "layer"class access webservice proxy asynchronously.

    So when I get my result back in "layer"class AsyncCall method should I use Invoke or not?



  • The first method uses the Thread Pool and is prefered on the second method where you need to handle the threads yourself.

  • Hi.

    The #2 works for both windows and web apps?
    I've saw this approach before, but i thought it could only be applyied to windows application...


  • Sorry.
    One (in fact 2) more question(s):
    In #1 the BeginlistRegExp itself doesn't create a thread? And if I call it more than once before beeing sinalized by the WaitHandle status change?

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