• hi i got here just because the name of your blog and i would like to ask for

    a reference to SerializableAttribute documents .

    i have a 3-tier application which the ASPX call the BL method

    while i send an object as a parameter (MyEntity with serializable attribute) to the method of the BL and i change the Entity at the BL

    the changes does not reflect the aspx Entity (which should be the same because class is by reference)

    important : the BL is running in dllHost.Exe (seperate process ) , so it is doing the serialize and DeSerialize at the call to the method !

    but - why my object stay the same ?

    another point of view - while i do the same with ref parameter that work perfect !

    and the MyEntity changed at the BL and also at the ASPX.


    public void MyFunc(Entity myEntity)


    myEntity.Code = 5;



    ... Page_Load(...)


    Entity myEntity = new Entity()

    MyBo bo = new MyBo();


    /// here myEntity.Code - will be Int32.MinValue


  • thanks ,

    and sorry if interrupting this blog .

  • I hate to say this but I *think* the first two cats are the same or clones!

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