• Nice info. Thanks Roy!

  • You could also just use MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(). This returns the MethodInfo of the currently executing method. Both classes are in the System.Reflection namespace.

  • Ooops. Sorry, I did not read your post entirely ;-). You can delete my comment.

  • Any sort of overhead that one should be concerned about when using either of these techniques (StackTrace or MethodBase) considering that the tracing code would actually be part of the production code? Both the techniques are indeed very useful to log trace statements but when we're speaking of thousands of users, would the method calls have any effect on performance whatsoever (compared to just sticking in string constants)?


  • You probably don't want to catch Exception, if the JIT fails to JIT a method, or if an assembly is missing or a attribute's constructors throws an exception you are going to catch and handle these exactly the same; by ignoring them. Not real good practice.

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