Creating Bar Charts With NPlot

You may have seen the article on ASP.NET Charting with NPlot on the 4 Guys From web site. Unfortunately, all of the sample code provided only shows you how to create line charts. If you visit the wiki for NPlot you will only find a plea for a BarPlot tutorial. I sent an email to one of the NPlot developers asking for some sample code for creating bar charts and he provided enough code for me to figure it out. I contributed several examples of NPlot bar charts in VB.NET and C# using the Northwind database and even one using XML as the data source but these examples have not been added to the wiki. I will provide you with enough information here to create bar charts in case someone is still looking for a solution.

First copy all of the sample code from the 4 Guys From web site article because you only need to change a few lines. The first step is just to change the type of plot object you are creating, obvious enough:

'One Plot for each timeseries:
Dim npPlot1 As New NPlot.BarPlot
Dim npPlot2 As New NPlot.BarPlot

The tricky part that is not documented and which you cannot figure out without a clue is how to assign the data to each axis. It is slightly different from the Line Chart example:

<>'Timeseries 1 to Plot 1:
npPlot1.AbscissaData = X1
npPlot1.OrdinateDataTop = OT1
npPlot1.OrdinateDataBottom = OB1

Here OT1 and OB1 are arrays of double values and X1 is whatever data your X axis uses:

OT1 = New Double() {2, 4, 6, 4, 12, 5, 8, 1, 3, 9}
OB1 =
New Double() {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

If you use a table for your datasouce then use the columns for the axis data:

<>npPlot1.DataSource = objDataSet.Tables(0)
'Column names in the dataset were established in the SQL statement
npPlot1.AbscissaData = "AbscissaData"
npPlot1.OrdinateDataTop = "OrdinateDataTop"
npPlot1.OrdinateDataBottom = "OrdinateDataBottom"

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