C#: My First Lambda Expression
I don't know about anyone else, but I found it annoying to have to put on three-lines of code (or one ugly one-line of code) for an IF statement for argument validation. Mostly, I want to check a simple condition and if true, throw an exception. Well, lambda to the rescue! I find the lambda version much more readable than a one-line IF statement, but that is just me -- mainly because I dislike one-line IF statements.
C#: My First Extension Method
I will find many, many uses for this ... maybe someone else will too!
PowerShell: Try...Catch...Finally Comes To Life
So, PowerShell has some good error handling, but being so used to .NET, I really missed my Try...Catch...Finally statements. Especially when I needed to make sure a block of code always executed. Well, after some playing, I think I have the solution! I've tested this function in a few different ways. I hope this turns out to be as helpful to someone else as it is for me. Maybe Microsoft will add this functionality to the core of PowerShell.
PowerShell: Using PowerShell to Debug .NET Class Libraries
PowerShell is so wicked cool. I love it more and more each day I use it. Latest trick is using it to debug or my class libraries without having to have a supporting unit test or console project.
PowerShell: Convert Active Directory IADSLargeInteger to System.Int64
This PowerShell function will convert an IADSLargeInteger ComObject to a long/Int64 value. Extremely helpful when trying to work with Active Directory attributes like "pwdLastSet" or "lastLogonTimestamp".