Longhorn/Whidbey/Yukon Release Date Summary
This item is now out of date and no longer maintained.
Whidbey is the codename for Visual Studio 2005 and the next release of the .NET Framework (2.0). Yukon is the codename for the next release of SQL Server - SQL Server 2005.
Longhorn is the codename for the next major Windows release.
Changes since the last update are indicated in red
- Whidbey/Visual Studio 2005
- Whidbey/VS 2005 Beta 2 with "Go Live" license - Late March/Early April 2005 [2, 4]
- Whidbey/VS 2005
RTMRelease Candidatefirst halfmid 2005September 2005 [2, 4]
- Longhorn - now without WinFS, Avalon, Indigo [3]
- First Longhorn Beta -
February 16June 2005 [3] - Longhorn (Desktop) -
May 22, 20062nd-half 2006 - w/o WinFS, Avalon, Indigo [3] - Longhorn Server - 2007 [1]
- [1] Straightening Out the 'Longhorn' Time Frame eWeek - May 17 2004
- [2] Visual Studio 2005 Nears Second Beta, 'Go Live' Status eWeek - Jan 21 2005
- [3] Microsoft to Release Longhorn Beta 1 in June TheServerSide.NET - Feb 8 2005
- [4] Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 beta 2 delayed pc world - Mar 11, 2005