UpdatePanel Css StyleSheet upon partial-refresh bug in IE

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  • Hi Tutto!

    This is more of a browser limitation and is correct. As per XHTML spec you cannot have style element within body.

    style element should always be present in the head section.

    So you markup is ignore by the browser when the update panel updates i.e. innerHTML ignores the markup.

  • I am try to do that but getting an error like script tag not proper outside the script

  • I encountered a similar issue recently with embedded Styles within an UpdatePanel. I cross posted from my blog:

  • My problem is this: I have an ASP.NET application that has ajax forms w/ validations, and everything works fine locally. When I deploy to SharePoint 2007 (which is the production environment), the validations do not show up after the first ajax call has been made on the page. Is this the same issue described here? Every other bit of css in my external stylesheet works just fine... The only problem is the css for the validations remains at display:none (even though the validations still fire correctly). Could someone help point me in the direction to fix this issue? Thank you.

  • This works for me thank you

  • This fix works a treat. A lot of time had been lost over this and a lot more would have been without this post. Thanks for the detail and example test.

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