a boy named goo

One of the best  project managers I have had, to this point, was very fond of using "foo" as a verbal place-holder for every un-named variable/method/class/project etc in a conversation. He also had a couple of sweet kids and a penchant for writing. One of his goals was to write a children's book one day. I hope he is still pursuing that goal . I once joked with him that the name of his first book should be "A Boy Named Foo". Well, I thought it was funny anyway.

So, here we are with the launch of "a boy named goo". A few years have passed and I have a sweet kid of my own. When I get around to it, I will update the header image on this blog to have his little mug staring out at you, for now I will used the canned image, and satisfy myself with inserting a snapshot here for good measure.


Anyway, the "goo" reference comes from the uncanny resemblance he bore, for a few months anyway, to a certain Mr Magoo. This, over time, has been shortened an affectionate "goo". When trying to think of a name for my new blog, it seemed a natural fit.I have had an under-utilized blog at DotNetJunkies for the last few years. In an effort to revive my blogging efforts I am moving to this site hosted by weblogs.asp.net. Thanks to Joe Stagner for giving me a chance to move my blog here.

Anyway, enough back-ground. On with the goo!


© Copyright 2009 - Andreas Zenker


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