Failing the Google debug test

So, here is the scenario, you have what you think must be a clever, hard to diagnose bug in the framework. You have hunted the beast thru debug sessions, Reflector, you may have even downloaded the .NET symbol files so you can step thru the framework. You are stumped, you are pretty sure what the bug is or, at least, is related to, it just doesn't add up. So, you do what any self-respecting developer would do, you Google.

You try every combination of symptoms, supposed causes that you can think of and what you get are the Google equivalent of crickets.

At this point you have two possibilities:

Option Odds
1. You are insanely clever and have found a new species of bug that no other developer has ever imagined. the statistical equivalent of zero
2. You are insanely daft and have committed some moronic mistake or misguided assumption that, if others have also done such they were not self-deprecating enough to blog about it. 100% - the statistical equivalent of zero

So, at least I blogged about it.


© Copyright 2009 - Andreas Zenker

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