Bad naming - Sharepoint Features

Tags: SharePoint

Gaaah! Who, in the name of all that is holy, thought that naming a feature in Sharepoint "Features" would be a good idea? Sure, it describes it, but it also describes practically everything else. It's impossible to find on Google and makes conversation sound more like a Marx Brothers sketch then a technical conversation.

Why? Why? Why?


  • svdoever said

    Search for terms like "feature.xml" and "ElementManifest" and life isn't that bad. Don't forget to search on I must say that the new SharePoint feature concept is a great new feature to build new features for the future;-)

  • Avner Kashtan said

    See what I mean? It's even worse when I have to give a lecture to people who don't know Sharepoint about it, and have to struggle my way through explaining that Features are a feature to add features. Bah. The concept, though is great. Solutions are great too. A pity there's no decent design-time support yet - does anyone know what's going on with the VS extensions? The November beta is too unstable for me.

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