Exceptionless Error Reporting Service Goes Open Source

OctocatIt’s a big day at Exceptionless.

We are super excited to announce that we are open sourcing the Exceptionless code! That’s right, now you can hack on our real-time error reporting tool yourself.

Too many apps are throwing too many errors out there, resulting in confused users, lost business, and endless frustration.

We believe Exceptionless can help the development community become more in-tune with their code by making those errors more transparent, trackable, and squashable. More importantly, we want to support developers building and shipping better code for their users.

Cool, Where Do I Start?

Check out the Exceptionless Github Repository, and make sure to read about contributing if you plan on helping us improve the project.

You’ll find instructions on getting started there, including setting up your hosting environment if you want to host things yourself. If you would rather host with us, we offer easy and affordable plans.

If you have a feature request or issue, let us know on the feedback forum. We are 100% committed to supporting the project.

Why Open Source?

In short, we want to see what the community can do with our baby, which we consider a great development tool. The open source movement has provided innovation throughout the industry, and we cannot tell you how excited we are to be a part of it.

We hope you will take it, add to it, suggest great new features, and report bugs, but most of all we hope you will use it to build better apps for the world.

The Exceptionless Team will continue to work on a road map of features and improvements, all while providing support to developers that want to contribute.

Planned features/enhancements

  • Refactor client so that the base client is a PCL library thus supporting WinRT and Mono.
  • Implement search features using ElasticSearch.
  • JavaScript client for reporting client side errors.
  • Refactor the API and UI to be completely separate layers and rewrite the UI as a SPA app using AngularJS.
  • Add a server side plugin system that allows new functionality to be easily added like HipChat notifications.

Ideas for the community

These include just a few of feature requests, etc, that aren’t in the team’s immediate pipeline that you might consider tackling.

  • Clients for Ruby, Java, Python, PHP, etc
  • Ability to log non-exception data
  • Teams within organizations
  • Bookmarks

Lets make something awesome

We have spent a lot of time on Exceptionless, but together with the community we can take it to the next level. Check out the GitHub repo today, and happy coding!

Watch out, exceptions!


  • Why upon signing up I see "You are on a free plan. Upgrade now to enable premium features and extra storage!" if it is open source now?

  • We have a free account that allows you to use the service free of charge. You can host it yourself for free by pulling down the code from github. We have to pay for hosting, backups, emails, salaries and licensing. If we didn't have those bills all accounts would be free!

  • I grabbed the code and went about my merry way compiling the source to take Exceptionless for a spin. However, I keep running into the following build error:
    Type is not resolved for member 'SimpleInjector.ActivationException,SimpleInjector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=984cb50dea722e99'.

    Since you guys are hosting the project there must be a way to resolve this. All nuget packages have been installed during build.

    Please Advise.

  • Hey,

    I started getting this error on one of my machines after the last batch of windows updates (but didn't see this on my other computers). What resolved this for me was to uninstall and reinstall the .net framework via the control panel's add/remove features. After a reboot it all worked. I'm not sure what is causing this but if you want to log a bug on connect I'll upvote it.

  • Just a note: It would be nice to point out, right off the bat, *what* your software or service provides. I don't think the term "Exceptionless" quite makes that clear.

  • @James, I'm not sure what you mean, can you please expand further. It's an error reporting service which is stated in the topic, website and readme :).

  • I was able to compile the source this morning, and then I did a pull and now I'm getting the same exception as @Cornel. I found the following post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6163273/stuck-with-aspnetcompiler-error-aspruntime-type-is-not-resolved-for-member-f
    So I removed the PreApplicationStartMethod in SimpleInjectorInitializer.cs and the code compiled. But of course the system didn't run.
    I then put PreApplicationStartMethod back and for some reason everything kept on working.
    I'm not sure what the cause is, but at least this is simpler than uninstalling the .NET Gramework. ;)

  • Can you guys please vote on this issue here: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/817619/cant-compile-project-after-installing-latest-windows-updates

  • We think this is caused when the servers (please run the batch file is not running when you try and compile the project.

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