[Silverlight] Suggestion – Move INotifyCollectionChanged from System.Windows.dll to System.dll

I just submitted a suggestion on Microsoft Connect to move the INotifyCollectionChanged from System.Windows.dll to System.dll.

You can review it here: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/560184/move-inotifycollectionchanged-from-system-windows-dll-to-system-dll

Here’s the reason why I suggest that.

Actually I wanted to take advantages of the new feature of Silverlight/Visual Studio 2010 for sharing assemblies (see http://blogs.msdn.com/clrteam/archive/2009/12/01/sharing-silverlight-assemblies-with-net-apps.aspx). Everything went fine until I try to share a custom collection (with custom business logic) implementing INotifyCollectionChanged.
This modification has been made in the .NET Framework 4 (see https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/488607/move-inotifycollectionchanged-to-system-dll) so maybe it could be done in Silverlight too.

If you think this is justifiable you can vote for it.

1 Comment

  • je veux savoir quel est l'avenir de technologie WPF parce que je prépare une certificat en WPF est ce que tu m'encourage de faire cet certificat ou non et surtout que cet période je voir qu'il y a pas de mise à jours ou de nouveauté en WPF, est ce que WPF va disparue ou quoi ?

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