Note: this entry has moved.
I think it's time to start for me too :). I'm Daniel, a big fan of .NET, C#, XML and design patterns. I wrote 4 books for the extint Wrox Press (about ASP.NET and Server Controls), as well as some articles for C# Today and ASP Today. I was a speaker at the .NET ONE 2002 conference also (slides), where I presented the NMatrix project, a personal endeavour I started back in May 2001, in a joined effort with my german friend Rainer and Paul Speranza to contribute to the OpenSource community.
Almost a year ago, I joined Lagash (spanish), the company started by four brilliant and excelent people DiegoG, DiegoB, Pablo and Julian. They really created a company that is the ideal of every entrepreneur: a frienly ambience, cool and smart people, a strong sense of teamwork and collaboration, and they are really superb in building a strong feeling of belonging and community among us. It's really great and I'm very lucky they found me. Thanks God for that one ;)
Before Lagash, I tried to start my own company, DEVerest, but it got mixed with my efforts with NMatrix, and later Lagash turned out to be everything I ever wanted from my own company, so why start from scratch? I perceive myself an integral part of Lagash, share its goals and put all my energies in it. I only wish I was there when they founded it :(.
Recently, VGA also joined us, another clever guy I met in the Wrox days.
I will be posting some code, and thoughts about programming, movies and books I read.
Let's start the real blogging now...