Using WSE (1.x) on a per-WebMethod basis

Note: this entry has moved.

WSE is great for several things, but as stated in Programming with WSE 1.0, you have to add the extension in the Web.config. However, this causes ALL exposed WebMethods to require WSE processing, thus, you can't secure some of them and leave others as "plain" ASP.NET WebServices.

The solution is to use the other type of web service extension available on ASP.NET, an SoapExtensionAttribute-inherited class that can be applied to each desired attribute. The code for such an attribute class, allowing you to use WSE only on specific methods, follows:

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple=false)]
public class WseExtensionAttribute : SoapExtensionAttribute
	public override Type ExtensionType
		get { return typeof(WebServicesExtension); }

	public override int Priority
		get { return _priority; }
		set { _priority = value;    }
	} int _priority = 0;

Now you can use the attribute only on the methods that require WSE processing:

public void WseSecuredMethod()

public void NonWseMethod()

By looking at the WSE 2.0 Technical Preview "code", I can say this still holds true, so you will need this code anyway (except if they happen to add it!).


  • Hi,

    Should this Attribute be used along with Web.config

    settings ?

    How to configure the pipeline,tracing using the attribute ?

    thank you

  • You're welcome Elena.

    My attribute was created to avoid having ALL your webmethods WSE-enabled (default behavior when you add the extension to your web.config).

    Having both would cause double processing through WSE, with unexpected results, I must say...

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