Welcome to the real world of OS development, RssBandit (SF)
Note: this entry has moved.
Good news for RssBandit, which now has a new home.
I have to say this: REAL opensource developers use SourceForge, NOT GotDotNet. The later sucks for many reasons: has almost no reliability (too many failures too often), is incredible slow for code source handling, does not use CVS (the standard for free-robust-reliable-proven-secure-enterprise-ready-etc version control), uses those awful guids all over the place, etc.
SourceForge, on the other hand, gives you all that, plus really cool administrative features, mailing lists, CVS (readonly anonymous, SSH-secured for project developers) and ViewCVS (browser code online, the REAL way, with diff, versions, comments, etc), 100MB (!!!) of space for your project home page (which is not a damn ugly URL, but something like "dotnetopensrc.sourceforge.net", you can even abreviate sourceforge with "sf"), has a secure release system, has 10 (!) permanent powerful mirrors to download files from, is thoroughly proven (read THIS: Hosted Projects: 72,764, Registered Users: 752,583, and I NEVER had even a minor problem with my OS project), and the list goes on and on...
In brief, Dare, welcome to the real world of OS development!