Leveraging .NET Components and IDE Integration: UI AOP in an MVC use case

Note: this entry has moved.


This post is a summary of a much longer article (~60 pages) that for space reasons does not fit well here in its entirety.

The full article can be viewed at CodeProject. http://clariusconsulting.net/articles/components/components.html.

The article discuses:

  • .NET and VS .NET vision of components: the building blocks and how they fit together.
  • The design-time architecture.
  • The MVC pattern: separating concerns and components responsibilities. Brief overview and our proposed architecture.
  • Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) in the UI: extending existing components with new features. How to do it without inheritance or containment through VS .NET architecture.
  • Integration of components with the IDE: through the property browser. Converters, editors and designers.
  • Taking advantage of services provided by the host (IDE).
  • How to control code generation.
  • Design patterns to increase component reuse: making components cross-technology (web and windows-aware)
  • How to provide custom services through the VS .NET architecture.
  • Extending design-time infrastructure at run-time.

Article Overview

  • A component-oriented architecture: an overview of the ComponentModel, how it works in Visual Studio, its implications at design and run time.
  • Hosted components: .NET components and how they interact with the ComponentModel architecture, how they access services and publish new ones.
  • Design-time architecture: how the Visual Studio designers work, overview of designers, type converters and editors.
  • Root Components and Designers: how you can extend the architecture for your own components, to the point of completely replacing the root designer if you wanted to.
  • MVC: the Model-View-Controller design pattern. Brief overview of how we plan to apply this pattern to showcase the ComponentModel features.
  • AOP in the .NET era: how .NET implements a novel way of doing AOP with UI elements through the IExtenderProvider interface, and how to use it to implement the MVC model in a RAD way.
    • Custom Code Serialization: the CodeDom power. How to customize the code that gets injected in the InitializeComponent method.
    • CodeDom syntax: brief walkthrough of the CodeDom syntax.
    • Emitting CodeDom: how to emit the code from your component designers.
    • Back to simplicity: components built-in support for CodeDom generation is enough in some cases.
  • Completing the MVC Component Model: integrating the component-based model with the toolbox and drag & drop.
    • .NET Component Model: a closer look and inheritance problems. What happens when you drop components on the design surface.
  • Deep IDE Integration: improving integration of custom components with the IDE, and playing nice with the built-in services when changing values through the Property Browser.
    • Extending the Serviced Architecture: exposing new services through the IDesignerHost for consumption at design-time. Side-note on how CodeDom serialization of properties happens.
    • Custom Editors: creating complex UIs for setting component property values, how to integrate them with the Property Browser and be compatible with Visual Studio monitoring of component changes.
    • Custom and Global Commands: exposing commands or designer verbs on a component, but also how to publish commands that apply on the entire components tray area.
  • Dealing with different view technologies: implementing the adapter pattern to abstract Windows and Web UIs without losing *any* RAD features in the IDE.
    • Model Behavior, the MVC way: how the UI communicates with controllers to perform operations on the model.
    • Connecting the Views: how to connect controllers’ code with the views, so that updating and synchronization with the model happens automatically.
  • Beyond your own components: how to modify the CodeDom injected when serializing components you don’t own (i.e. controls), and add your own stuff on top of them, without needing inheritance or containment (AOP-style)
  • The final message: what did we learn from this journey on the ComponentModel and the IDE features, useful tips for developing IDe integration code, etc.

Article Summary

During the article I explore the most advanced features available in .NET and VS .NET for component-based development. I offer deep integration with the IDE, and even expand the model to the run-time.

I discuss the MVC design pattern, and create a concrete implementation that can make application development substantially faster. Not only that, but I create an implementation that can work with the same code base for both Windows and Web Forms.


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