Microsoft is listening
Note: this entry has moved.
You may have heard about the MSDN Product Feedback Center: it's MS's new way of communicating with the community of users of their products, not only to report bugs but to receive suggestions. At first, I wouldn't believe what they said: that most of what you enter in this site goes directly to the appropriate product group **real** bug database. I saw it with my own eyes. Believe it, and take advantage of it.I've reported some that have been fixed, and some others that are not fixed but allowed us to know why MS made certain decisions. You can agree or disagree with them, but at least you know the reason.
But most importantly, you can get NEW features implemented, if they are well justified. For example, based on previous experience, I suggested that the XPathNavigator.Compile should be static in addition to the virtual one, as XPathExpression compilation does not actually require an instance document. They listened, and after some time (I admit I was skeptical about it) they decided you'll have such static method, and it will be thanks to me!!! Isn't that fantastic? Having your very small piece of responsiblity on what's there and how it behaves?
So, next time you find a method you think is missing overloads, or a missing one, or some behavior you don't like, or generally any bug, don't just find a workaround for it. Go report it, and become part of the history of .NET (well, maybe that's saying too much for a little contribution... hehe... but it makes me feel really good... you should definitely give it a try).