CommentAPI no longer working on .Text

Note: this entry has moved.

Adding a feature (namely, the new Url rewriting happening in and breaking another (much more important) is certainly not good for us. I can no longer post comments from RssBandit. I am frustrated.
If I had the source code for the current version (that is, if ScottW was so kind as to keep a CVS/GDN updated version I can hack into), I could at least tell what is broken and maybe find a workaround.
No luck, I guess...


  • Ouch! Arn't you being a little harsh on Scott? this is his blood and sweat you're compaining about so easily, all for the benefit of the community. Scott is more than happy to fix bugs and so on (and BTW, he HAS released the source for .94 and I bet .95 is on the way) as long as you contact him about it instead of bitching about it in public in a way that would actually discourage him from working on this project any longer.

    How about a little sensitivity?

  • Keep cool Daniel! Scott is working hard on this for us, for FREE. So be patient and positive, please.

  • You are beta testing the next release. Usually bugs aren't reported in such a rude manner.

  • Probably integrated unit testing would have help.

  • But again, read my post again. I'm complaining I can't go and fix it myself. That's what a truly opensource product allows. I've a few issues in log4net when I found them, and it was also a beta product. I didn't need to complain, I could fix it myself.

  • Ok, made the post less rude. But frustration remains :(

  • OK, the first was a test.

    Now for the second try.

    Who says it does not work? I am using version of RssBandit and posting works just fine for me. (using the mainfeed).

    Since you are the first to mention this, you obviously would not find any other reports or information on the subject. Someone will always be first.

    But as mentioned, you are using beta/free software on a server for addition you are using pre-released version of free/beta software.

    I did recently remove my copy of .Text from source control and will be updating it likely tonight. But all of the original source is still on GotDotNet and has been for many many months.

  • Yup, you're right Scott. The problem I'm facing is with the "old" version of the code and not with I look forward the update and code sync.

    Just curious, why don't you just use the store at GDN (I'd suggest SF+CVS) and directly code against it? That way, we could see the advances and maybe even contribute some fixes should they come up...

  • Have you every tried to push a large project into GDN Workspaces? It can be a frustrating nightmare.

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