Statically-typed reflection with LINQ
Mocks: by-the-book vs practical
Lately, there's been some formalization of the definitions of mocks, stubs, fakes and dummies, which Fowler popularized through his site with his article Mocks aren't Stubs by introducing the concepts from Gerard Meszaros' xUnit patterns book. I haven't read the book, but the definitions are sensible.
NavigationWindow, WinFormsHost and TextBoxes: backspace bug
What's wrong with the Record/Reply/Verify model for mocking frameworks
Most mocking frameworks, and especially the two most popular ones, Rhino Mocks and TypeMock, use a record/reply/verify model where the developer invokes members on the mock during the record phase, does a replay to prepare the mock for those expectations, and finally do a verify before the test ends.
State Testing vs Interaction Testing
Highly recommended reading: Fowler's article Mocks aren't Stubs. It's a very clear characterization of the types of so-called Test Doubles (mocks, fakes, stubs, etc.) you can use to aid your unit testing needs, but also of the kinds of TDD you can do: classic (or state) TDD and mockist (or interaction) TDD.
Mocks, Stubs and Fakes: it's a continuum
Highly recommended reading: Fowler's article Mocks aren't Stubs.
Linq to Mock: MoQ is born