Weird procedure to activate Windows 2008 from MSDN subscription
I kept getting a "Activation Error: Code 0x8007232b DNS Name does not exist" error whenever I tried to activate Windows 2008 Standard (which has been running great on my X61 laptop so far as the host OS!).
How to use Windows 2008 on your laptop
- Follow all the tips from Windows 2008 Workstation site. Microsoft has a KB article also that is useful.
- Get Windows Live Messenger bare MSI from Softpedia (it's a MS-signed installer, worked just fine for me)
- How to get Windows Live Writer on Windows 2008: this was a bit trickier, and involves importing a few registry keys (just copy the registry keys to a .reg file and import it).
Automocking container with Moq
Where was the stubbing part in Moq?
In my very recent previous post I said "mocking and stubbing easier than ever", but actually forgot to mention the stubbing part :S.
Mocking and stubbing easier than ever with Moq 2.6
I've just released a new version of Moq which contains a few bug fixes but two extremely useful features: recursive mocks and mocked default values.
What is all the fuzz about the new common IServiceLocator
There's been some excitement lately about the introduction of a common IServiceLocator that all major DI containers apparently will provide.