OutDir vs OutputPath
Which one should you use? Seems like OutputPath is the way to go, since it’s the one that is specified on every project you create, right inside the Debug or Release configuration.
Smarter Visual Studio Template Authoring
From Clarius VisualStudio Targets project:
Complex traces you can actually understand by leveraging Activity Tracing
Activity tracing is part of a feature that was initially introduced with WCF, named End-to-End Tracing. Its underlying implementation, however, is baked into the XmlWriterTraceListener and does not depend on WCF in any way. Currently it's only supported in the SystemDiagnostics implementation.
How to transform T4 templates on build without installing a Visual Studio SDK
The MS recommended way is to just use the Microsoft.TextTemplating.targets which come with the Visual Studio Visualization and Modeling SDK. It makes me slightly nervous that it requires a little known SDK that is hosted on rather than something more “official” like the MSDN Download Center, where the proper VS SDK lives. It also turns out to be absolutely unnecessary, since all you need is already installed with your base Visual Studio setup.
How to create a Visual Studio extensibility project that is compatible with VS 2010, 2012 and 2013
For most common project types, you can just create a project in VS2010 and open it in 2012 and 2013 just fine. For some others (like VS package or VSIX projects), you may find Visual Studio wants to perform a one-way conversion: