Beware of Hotel Kappa in Mestre/Venice - Tener cuidado con el Hotel Kappa en Mestre/Venecia

Version en español
This post has moved.

If you happen to go on vacations to Venice, you probably know that it's generally a good idea to stay in a hotel in Mestre, which is cheaper and is about 10' from there.

If you're a geek, you will almost surely want to have high-speed internet in your room too. And if you travel with kids, you will surely want a hotel with an elevator. And being on vacations, you will also want to be treated kindly. If that's your case, then don't go to Hotel Kappa.

The following is just anecdotic, so keep reading only if you're interested in some unbelievable dialogs with those guys.


them: "There are three ways of connecting to the internet: ADSL, Wi-Fi and modem. This hotel gives you internet via modem. You just need to dial the italian ISP you paid for."
me: (after endless arguments trying to explain to the person on the phone -the technician, supposedly- that giving me a telephone line was hardly giving me internet) "Ok, this is not what I paid for, so I want a full refund and I'll go to another hotel"
them: "Mmm... ok... maybe we have an alternative for you... you see, we have a private ADSL port upstairs"

I had to get a screwdriver from the receptionist, open the cover on the wall and pull the ethernet port out of the wall :S.

The next day, the private ADSL port turned into a big advertising: "High-speed internet. Ask recepcionist". And of course, the automatic configuration that was working the previous day was not working anymore. And the receiptionist didn't even know the sign was there. And he refused to phone the techinician, the owner, or the receptionist from the previous day that was kind enough to phone the technician. He kept saying "I'm sorry, I can't fix it. Tomorrow you can check with the owner.". The next day I was leaving already. It was going to be way too late already.

The next day, with the owner, it went more or less:

owner: "Yes, it is my problem that the internet is not working. I'm sorry."

me: "Do you know that I came to this hotel just because it said it had high-speed internet??"

owner: "I appreciate that. I'm sorry."

me: "That's not what I paid for."

owner: "You paid for the room, the service, the breakfast"

me: "AND internet. To me, not having internet is like not having breakfast. That's why I paid a higher rate at your hotel!"

owner: "Ok. I'm sorry."

me: "That's all?"

owner: "Yes. I'm sorry. And you have to pay 6 euros a day for the parking. You used that service, right?"

me: "Do whatever you think is appropriate to do. This is unbelievable."

owner: "Have a nice day" (after charging me that, of course)


And she had all the time a smile on her face like saying "It doesn't matter what you think or say, I'm gonna screw you anyways, because the room has been paid in advance."

As I want this to reach as many people as possible, I'm providing spanish and italian translations too.


Version en español

Si vas de vacaciones a Venecia, probablemente sepas que en general es una buena idea quedarse en un hotel en Mestre, que es mas barato y esta a unos 10' de alli.

Si no podes vivir sin internet, seguramente vas a querer una conexion de banda ancha en la habitacion. Y si viajas con chicos, seguramente vas a querer un hotel con ascensor. Y como estas de vacaciones, tambien querras que te traten amablemente. Si ese es tu caso, entonces no vayas al Hotel Kappa (TODO: LINK).

Lo que sigue es solo anecdotico, asi que segui leyendo solo si estas interesado en algunos dialogos increibles con esta gente.


ellos: "Hay tres maneras de conectarse a internet: ADSL, Wi-Fi y modem. Este hotel te da internet por modem. Solo tenes que marcar el proveedor de internet italiano que pagaste previamente."
yo: (despues de argumentos interminables tratando de explicar a la persona en el telefono -el tecnico, supuestamente- que darme un telefono dificilmente puede considerarse como darme internet) "Bueno, esto no es lo que yo pague, asi que quiero un reintegro completo y me voy a otro hotel"
them: "Mmm... bueno... quizas haya una alternativa para usted... vera, tenemos un puerto ADSL privado arriba."

La recepcionista me tuvo que dar un destornillador, tuve que sacar la tapa de la pared y sacar el puerto ethernet de adentro. :S

Al dia siguiente, el puerto ADSL privado se convirtio en una gran publicidad: "Internet de alta velocidad. Consultar en recepcion". Y por supuesto, la configuracion automatica que funcionaba el dia anterior no funcionaba mas. Y el recepcionista ni siquiera sabia que el cartel de publicidad estaba ahi. Y se nego a llamar al tecnico, al propietario, o a la recepcionista del dia anterior que habia sido lo suficientemente amable para llamar al tecnico. Se limitaba a decir "Lo siento, no lo puedo arreglar yo. Maniana puede chequear con el propietario.". Al dia siguiente yo ya me iba. Obviamente iba a ser demasiado tarde ya. 

Al dia siguiente, con el propietario, el dialogo fue mas o menos asi:

propietaria: "Si, es mi problema que internet no funcione. Lo lamento."

yo: "Sabe usted que vine a este hotel solo porque ustedes dijeron que tenian internet de alta velocidad??"

propietaria: "Aprecio eso. Lo lamento."

yo: "Eso no es por lo que yo pague."

propietaria: "Usted pago por la habitacion, el servicio, el desayuno"

yo: "Y por internet. Para mi, no tener internet es como no tener desayuno. Por esa razon pague una tarifa mas alta en su hotel!"

propietaria: "Bueno. Lo lamento."

yo: "Eso es todo?"

propietaria: "Si. Lo lamento. Y tiene que pagar 6 euros por dia por el estacionamiento. Usted uso ese servicio, verdad?"

yo: "Haga lo que considere que es apropriado hacer. Esto es increible."

propietaria: "Que tenga un buen dia" (despues de cobrarme, por supuesto)


Y todo el tiempo tenia una sonrisa en la cara como diciendo "No importa lo que pienses o digas, te voy a embaucar de todas maneras, porque la habitacion ya fue pagada de antemano."


  • Good for you, Daniel! Fight back! It may not help, but, what other way can you get even? It's shocking how some company's customer service seem to be so apologetic with no recourse offered. At times, I am not interested in the apology, what I want is a refund or for the problem to be corrected!


  • Top Work!!
    ANd I love that you provide translations. Like Dominic says: "A class act!"

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