Connect to VPN on Vista: "This connection requires an active Internet connection"

Pretty much every day, I get the following stupid dialog from Vista when I'm trying to connect to a VPN:


Note that even when I've an active wireless connection shown in the dialog, the dialog still doesn't allow me to connect to a VPN supposedly because I don't have such a connection :S.

The workaround is to click on the Open Network and Sharing Center, from there click on the Manage Network Connections link at the left:...

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  • Thank you for the tip. I had the same problem, and had not tried this workaround yet. Your solution works, but it multiplies the number of mouse clicks to get this done. In my opinion Vista has already dubbled the number of clicks to get things done.

  • Thanks for the tip, it works well for me. I can't believe how frustrating it has been to connect to VPN inside Vista.

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