How many days until Xmas?
Here's an interesting thought on how many days until Christmas there are.
As you may know, I created an application on doing exactly this, counting how many days there are until Christmas. You can find the application here - Recently, I have been seeing people comment on saying that the count until Christmas is not correct and a day or two short. As of writing (7.30pm on Monday 29th November) there are 25 days until Christmas. By this, I mean that in fact there's about 25 days, 4 hours and 30 minutes (or so) left. This means that on Christmas Eve, there will be zero days left until Xmas. When the application gets down to this point, the countdown will read like so;
Days 0, Hours 4, Minutes 30, etc... and when they all reach 0, 0, 0, it will be Christmas!
It seems that, even though 25 days is accurate, most people are used to the idea of having 1 day until Christmas being left on Christmas Eve. So from Version 1.6 of the Days Until Xmas app, I will be updating the app to use this logic to display the count down until Xmas!
Hopefully this will sort out the confusion for some people using the app.
Thanks to those who are enjoying the app and leaving some lovely reviews!