Method not found: System.Collections.Hashtable DotNetNuke.PortalSettings.get_HostSettings()

If you get this error in DNN then you are having some major problems!

Method not found: System.Collections.Hashtable DotNetNuke.PortalSettings.get_HostSettings()

I spent a few hours this evening trying to track it down to find that my development environment was all jacked up placing DLLs in different directories. Which ended up causing me to do a build against an old DLL somehow.

To correct it make sure everything is setup properly and that your DLLs are building in the write directories.

1 Comment

  • I had a similar problem: I had the method, but I would encounter that exception of "not finding the method". As my solution was on Team Foundation Server, I deleted my local files - all of them. I left the empty folder. Then I got the solution from the TFS. I had to redo my last editing, but it was a short one. (Don't make too much editing without checking in :-))

    If you're not on TFS, maybe it's a good idea to go back from the latest backup, hopefully enough close to the current version.

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