Removed my prior post...

I removed my prior post per Scott's recommendations.

In summary I found some wierd referrals in my stats of the blog for one particular post, these referrals were all coming from porn sites. Basically they're just spam, probably trying to get folks to do what I did, post the links and wonder what they are all about.

It's an interesting internet....


1 Comment

  • I guess it's clever. I guess.

    Recently a project of mine took off and started getting 24,000 hits a day. So I met a guy who works in that industry. He has helped me a great deal. The way he describes it, "we don't waste anything". Like the eskimos using the whole whale. A 404 error is an opportunity (of course). Well, here's another wierd possibility. Personally I find logs too addictive and am happy I have little access to mine right now. Log review has diminishing returns, and certainly doesn't compare to actually building cool stuff. But it's addicting.

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