
Archives / 2007 / October
  • Loading the WCF configuration from different files on the client side

    A common problem in WCF that many people face is the impossibility of loading the client configuration from different configuration files. This is a common scenario  when the developer wants to deploy some binaries with along with an independent configuration file (Which may be in a resource file also) to avoid modifying the main configuration file. A weeks ago, I described a easy workaround to use the external configuration files through the use of the configSource attribute (A mechanism provided by .NET). However, that approach requires several configuration files to configure an entire WCF channel, at least three files (client section, bindings and behaviors).

  • Certificate Access Error for WCF hosted services

    The problem appears when a WCF Service hosted in an IIS tries to load a certificate from the Windows Certificates Store with the account of the Application Pool where the service runs, and the account’s profile is not previously loaded. When a user logs on interactively, the system automatically loads the user's profile. If a service or an application impersonates a user, the system does not load the user's profile. Therefore, the service or application should load the user's profile with LoadUserProfile.