Claims negotiation between a consumer, STS and Relying Party in WCF
According to the WS-Trust specification, a service consumer has a way to negotiate or ask for specific claims to the STS. Those claims (or some of them) will be generally used by the service implementation running on the relying party.
Running a partial SSL website with ASP.NET MVC
Keith Brown has just released a helper class (Based on an original implementation made by Dominick Baier) with very useful methods for mixing Http and Https in a regular application. Before jumping in this post, make sure to read his post (And Dominick's) to understand all the problems you may have to deal with when implementing a partial SSL website.
Describing RESTful applications
The other day I came across this interesting article written by Subbu Allamaraju, where he discusses some of the aspects that drive the design of a pure and self-describing RESTful interface for a service (Or service contract in other words).