Carrying sensitive information in SAML assertions
When SAML is used in conjunction with WS-Security, only an small piece of the token is encrypted, the proof key for the relying party. The rest of the token goes in plain text, that also includes the user's claims.
Contract Projections in WCF declarative services
As my friend Jesus mentioned in the post "Using XAML serialization in WCF 4.0", WCF 4.0 introduces a new way to implement services that are totally defined in XAML, which receive the name of "declarative services". In the past, creating a simple service involved three basic steps,
Issues to subdivide an entity framework model
The other day, my team and I ran into some design issues while trying to split a big Entity Framework model into smaller pieces according to areas of functionality. At first glance, it seemed to be a common design problem, something easy to overcome, but it did not result that way. I could not find much information about people having the same issue either.
Some thoughts on OpenID and OAuth for Desktop clients
OpenID and OAuth are today excellent solutions for "Single Sign On" (SSO) and "Authorization Delegation" respectively. They are, however, based on Http Redirections and therefore, tied to passive clients or commonly called web browsers.
Upcoming MSDN WebCast "Geneva Cardspace" for Latin America
I will be presenting a MSDN webcast about "Geneva Cardspace" next Thursday 12th at 2 PM (GMT-05:00 Colombia, Panama). The event will be conducted in Spanish for all the community in Latin America.
Addressing authorization with OAuth or the .NET Access Control Service
WS-TRUST profiles and Cardspace
Geneva framework supports today the two WS-Trust profiles, Active and Passive.
Security Token Handlers in Geneva Framework
According to the Geneva documentation,
Buenos Aires MSDN and Technet Briefing 2009
I just got an email from Miguel Angel Saenz confirming the date of the next biggest Microsoft event in Buenos Aires Argentina, "MSDN briefing", which will take place on March 25th.
Some thoughts on Portable STS (P-STS) and Geneva Cardspace
The other day and friend of mine asked me about portable STS implementations, if I knew about any available solution that he could use on his company. That reminded me of a conversation I had like two years ago with another developer working on custom .NET CLR framework version for portable devices (like smartcards). As part of that project, his team was also working on a TCP/IP communication stack for the device, and a http handler for accepting raw WS-TRUST messages. One goal for that project was to have a P-STS that could be interoperable with WCF. The idea seemed very promising at time.