Disposing a WCF Proxy
A common misconception is to think that a WCF proxy can be used and disposed as any other regular class that implements IDisposable. However, the IDisposable implementation in the WCF client channel is not like any other, and it can throws exceptions. A phrase I got from this thread in the WCF forum will give you a better context about this scenario,
A Bad Idea, EF Entities over WCF
Do you want to see something very ugly ?. Try to send a complete EF entity directly as a data contract over the wire with WCF,
Tellago esta contratando!!
Como Jesus menciono en su post “We are still hiring..”, en Tellago estamos buscando gente que quieran unirse a nuestro equipo de desarrollo. En estos momentos tenemos algunas posiciones para Arquitectos y Desarrolladores con buenos conocimientos de Biztalk e idioma ingles.
Injecting Custom Logic in ADO.NET Data Services
ADO.NET Data services represent today one of the most powerful alternatives to build RESTful services in the .NET platform. This framework basically creates a RESTful API on top of any IQueryable data source. Most of the steps required to publish a set of resources through http and make them available for any client are automatically implemented.