
Archives / 2014
  • SelfHost Utilities

    Self Hosting a Http server is a very common scenario these days with the push that Microsoft and the rest of the community are giving to Owin. One of the challenges you often find in this scenario is the ability to use HTTPS, and I can say by experience that it's not something trivial. You have to run several commands, and usually generate a self signed certificate for SSL. 

  • AppFabric OutputCaching for ASP.NET Web API

    ASP.NET Web API does not provide any output caching capabilities out of the box other than the ones you would traditionally find in the ASP.NET caching module. Fortunately, Filip wrote a very nice library that you can use to decorate your Web API controller methods with an [OutputCaching] attribute, which is similar to the one you can find in ASP.NET MVC. This library provides a way to configure different persistence storages for the cached data, which uses memory by default. As part of this post, I will show how you can implement your own persistence provider for AppFabric in order to support distributed caching on web applications running on premises.